Best Communication Books

Communication skills are very critical for personal development.


Best Communication Books

Boosting your emotional intelligence – Jason M. Satterfield, The Great Courses

Emotional intelligence 2.0 – Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves

How to win friends & influence people – Dale Carnegie


Friend and foe: when to cooperate, when to compete – Adam D. Galinsky


The Art of Conflict Management – Michael Dues

No one Understands You and what to do about it – Heidi Halvorson


Way of the Wolf: straight line selling – Jordan Belfort

 Never eat alone – Keith Ferrazzi, Tahl Raz

Top Presentation Books

In the Line of Fire: how to handle tough questions – Jerry Weissman


The Power Presenter: technique, style and strategy from America’s top speaking coach – Jerry Weissman


Winning Strategies for Power Presentations – Jerry Weissman


Presentation in Action: 80 Memorable Presentation Lessons from the Masters – Jerry Weissman


Presentation Zen Design – Garr Reynolds


Presenting to Win: how to use animation – Jerry Weissman


Best Negotiation Books

Never Split the Difference: negotiating as if your life depended on it – Chris Voss


Negotiation Genius: how to overcome obstacles and achieve brilliant results – Deepak Malhotra, Max Bazerman

The Art of Negotiating the best deal – Seth Freeman, The Great Courses

The Art of Negotiation: how to improvise agreement in a chaotic world – Michael Wheeler

The Secrets of Power Negotiating: you can get anything you want – Roger Dawson


Trump Style negotiation: powerful strategies and tactics for mastering every deal – George H. Ross

Getting to Yes: negotiating agreement without giving in – Roger Fisher, William Ury


Get the truth: former CIA officers teach you how to persuade anyone – Philip Houston, Michael Floyd, Susan Carnicero

Small talks & Conversation

Best Small talks Books

The fine art of small talk: how to start a conversation, keep it going, build networking skills – Debra Fine

How to talk to anyone: 92 little tricks for big success in relationships – Leil Lowndes


How conversation works: 6 lessons for better communication – Anne Curzan, the Great Courses

Difficult conversations: how to discuss what matters most – Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen

Nonviolent Communication: create your life, your relationships – Marshall Rosenberg


Crucial Conversations: tools for talking when stakes are high – Kerry Patterson


How to start a conversation and make friends – Don Gabor


The like switch: An ex-FBI agent’s guide to influencing, attracting and winning people over – Jack Schafer, Marvin Karlins

The charisma myth: how anyone can master the art and science of personal magnetism – Olivia Fox Cabane

Power questions: build relationships, win new business and influence others – Andrew Sobel

If I understood you, would I have this look on my face? – Alan Alda


How to control your anger before it controls you – Albert Ellis, Raymond Chip Tafrate


How to keep people from pushing your buttons – Albert Ellis, Arthur Lange