Option Calibration & Pricing
While theoretical valuation model provides a model to evaluate the value of a given derivative, the market-based model tries to fit the model that can replicates the observed prices of a derivative. It is called option calibration.
Once a derivative is calibrated, we can proceed to evaluating, trading, investing, hedging and de-risking stocks and options portfolio.
We have to consider various market risks in order to valuate a derivative:
- Price Risk
- Volatility Risk
- Jump or Crash Risk
- Interest Rate Risk
- Correlation Risk
- Liquidity Risk
Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model
Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) model
Fourier-based model
American option valuation via
- Binomial Trees
- Monte-Carlo Simulation
Merton’s jump-diffusion model
Bakshi-Cao-Chen (BCC) model
Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model